Friday, October 29, 2010

The World’s a Stage by Kathleen Kellow (Jean Plaidy)

It seems Jean Plaidy has surprised me once again!

I’ve been wrapped up in a novel by Ciji Ware titled Wicked Company, which features fictional characters for the most part, but also touts a host of real historical figures. One such is the 18th century actor/playwright/theater manager David Garrick, who is also one of my favorite personalities in the novel. He is kind and understanding of Sophie’s struggles and helps her by encouraging and employing her talents at Drury Lane.

Reviewing some of Plaidy’s older (mostly unavailable) titles, I found that she published a novel based on David Garrick (1960)!

The World’s a Stage: The true story of the eighteenth century British actor David Garrick and his lover, Peg Woffington

I can’t find a description, unfortunately. I think I will start a petition to get all of JP’s older novels reprinted! It’s very discouraging to find gems like this but no way to order them.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

new Plaidy reprints!

Next year Random House is breaking out of the Queens of England and Tudor series (finally) and publishing reprints of Madonna of the Seven Hills and Light on Lucrezia! They will be available to purchase January 18, 2011.

Somehow I think the new HBO Borgia show has something to do with the decision to print these, but whatever the reason we here at Royal Intrigue are glad to know they are continuing to reprint Plaidy books. We are crossing our fingers that they don't use 1/3rd portion of a period lady in the wrong era dress! Bring back the portrait covers, please!!!!