Hi everyone! Sorry for posting this so late...my Internet was down the wohole day:(
But it's not all bad- something good did come out of it...I finished My Enemy the Queen!!
I don't recall if I mentioned this before, but it took me a while to get into this one. That's maybe because I've been so busy these past couple of weeks that I just kept stealing a page here and there. And, with me, that's never a good thing when I start off a book this way. But I finished it!
But now, honestly, I'm all Henry-Elizabethed-out...I've got to read something different.
How about you...how's your reading going?
I'm only 100 pages in, but enjoying it! I think I will also try to step away from the Tudors for a while after this one.
ReplyDeleteI haven't started yet, after finishing The Reluctant Queen I needed to read something a bit 'frothy' so after I finish 20 wishes I'll be back in court!
ReplyDeleteI'm not doing so great. I had a bad eye allergy and my reading fell back. I've got a few reviews to get written-very slow going. I'm only about 100 pgs in as well. I think I may be reading into the beginning of July unfortunately.